
Photos &Race Reports Doug Theis on 20 Jun 2011 08:36 am

Team Ragged Glory finishes the 2011 Planet Adventure 30 hour race!

Planet Adventure did a fantastic job on the 12th installment of this classic Midwest adventure race. The course was heavy on paddling and hilly as it could be in Indiana. We started at 12:00 am on Saturday morning and raced until 5:00 am Sunday. Words cannot describe the great teamwork, the fun, the difficulty and the elation of completing the course and hitting the finish line.

Gail Henricks took some amazing pictures of the Planet Adventure 30 Hour Challenge.

Planet Adventure also took pictures. You can find them here.

Here is the Team Ragged Glory gallery, a combination of TRG team photos from Gail Henricks and Planet Adventure:

It’s people that make races awesome. The Planet Adventure Race organization, directors like John McInnes and John Farless, and volunteers like Frank Baukert and Nancy Gawrys made Planet Adventure 30 Hour Challenge a racer’s event and kept it true to the eleven year tradition that Greg Arnold began.

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