
Photos Doug Theis on 19 Aug 2003

2003 Circle City Sprint Adventure Race Photos

This was one hot race.

Pogue’s Run Tunnel was part of the race, as was the old Hilton U Brown Theater on the Butler University campus. The temperature was in the 90s and we all felt the heat.

Check out the tunnel entrance.

Articles Doug Theis on 02 Jul 2003

Hydrate!: Water Intake/Outtake in the Field

Water is the major component of the human body, comprising approximately 73% of lean body mass and 60% of total body mass. Body water is transported within and between cells and in the blood plasma. During rest, 30-35% of the water is maintained inside the cells (intracellular fluid), 20-25% is maintained outside the cells of the body (interstitial fluid) and the remaining 5% is in the blood plasma.
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Articles Doug Theis on 15 Jun 2003

40-30-30: A Ratio For Racing Success

By Robert Nagle, 2002 Team Captain Eco Internet/GoLite

No, this is not yet another thesis on how to eat during an adventure race. Nor is it a discussion on the best diet for athletic training. Instead, it is a discussion of a different kind – what goes into making a successful adventure racing experience.
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Photos Doug Theis on 19 May 2003

2003 Planet Adventure 30 Hour Challenge Photos

Our first race ever with Julie Nor, who we met the day before the race. This is one of my all-time favorite events. I’ll never forget stopping and talking to /praying with David Yang after he suffered an ankle fracture on Nebo Ridge.

Riding into the dawn near a cemetary in Hickory Ridge was unforgettable.

Riding back to the Four Winds and seeing all of our families is one of my all-time favorite race memory.

Race Reports Doug Theis on 28 Apr 2003

Planet Adventure 2003 Race Recap

For Team Ragged Glory, Planet Adventure 2003 began with two new team members: Bob Mueller, our long time friend/crew guy, and Julie Nor, who had advertised on the PA03 team builder web page. After racing as a threesome with Leslie for five straight races, Steve and I wondered what new wrinkles the changes might bring.
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News Doug Theis on 15 Apr 2003

Planet Adventure 2003 Update

Julie Nor from Lake Geneva,Wisconsin will race in place of Leslie Shafer for the third installment of Planet Adventure. Leslie found Julie on the Planet Adventure teambuilder site and asked Julie to take her place because of her mounting work, school and personal commitments. Julie works for Young Life and is a marathoner from Taylor University. A friend of mine who knows Julie told me that if he needed a teammate to go far and fast, he’d want Julie. Leslie, we’ll miss you. But we understand. We hope to race with you again. Thanks for finding us a new team member. Welcome, Julie; we’re glad you’re becoming a part of the Team Ragged Glory family. May God bless our third Planet Adventure race.

News Doug Theis on 10 Apr 2003

Training Update

TRG has been preparing for the Planet Adeventure, the 30 hour race in May. We did the ICO 6 hour ROGAINE (Orienteering Meet) on April 5 and won first in the coed division. Great job team! It was great to see our many AR friends from around Indiana at the event. We hope to see you down at the Hoosier National Forest and at the mini as we all prepare for the race.

Training Doug Theis on 28 Mar 2003

Training Update

TRG has been preparing for the Planet Adeventure, the 30 hour race in May. We did the ICO 6 hour ROGAINE (Orienteering Meet) on April 5 and won first in the coed division. Great job team! It was great to see our many AR friends from around Indiana at the event. We hope to see you down at the Hoosier National Forest and at the mini as we all prepare for the race.

Training Doug Theis on 08 Mar 2003

Night Hike on the Tecumseh

TRG along with Mike Boyer, one of Steve and Bob’s mountaineering friends, hiked 26 miles on the Tecumseh Trail from midnight to 11am on March 6. The moon was bright, the conversation was funny and the hip flexors were sore. As always, the dawn brought us back to life, and we had a fine meal afterwards at Forkey’s in Martinsville.

News Doug Theis on 28 Jan 2003

Team Ragged Glory’s Plans for 2003

TRG races again! We’ve committed to Planet Adventure 2003 .This will be our third shot at our “home course” race and our sixth race as a team. The race is May 31, 2003 and Bob Mueller, our long time friend and crew guy, will finally race with us in the new four-person format. Jeff Minks of TRG-spawn Team MMM will crew for us at PA03. We will race the Wild Scallion replacement Circle City Sprint Adventure Race here in August. There are two other races that are local: the Dino Race in July and the Indianapolis Adventure Race in September. If you are interested in training with us or racing, email me.

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