
Race Reports Doug Theis on 28 Sep 2002

2002 Indy Sprint Adventure Race Recap

Event Directors Michael Sapper and Greg Arnold kept racers on their toes during the third annual Indianapolis Adventure Race on Saturday, September 14, 2002. The race they delivered was diverse, challenging, and very fun. Here’s what happened on the long course event:
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News Doug Theis on 28 Sep 2002

2002 Indy Sprint Adventure Race Recap Coming Soon!

TRG was an official finisher of the 2002 Indy Sprint Adventure Race. The weather was great, the course was challenging, and we had a bunch of fun. It was fun seeing everyone; thanks for stopping and saying hello to us. Team MMM! kicked our tails and beat us to the finish line in their maiden voyage. They are awesome! We’ll have details soon on the race and its progression.

News Doug Theis on 28 Aug 2002

Preparations for 2002 Indy Sprint Adventure Race

Team Ragged Glory continues to prepare for the third annual Indy Sprint Adventure Race on September 14, 2002 at Eagle Creek. TRG will participate in the long course, as will a new team composed of our friends, Team MMM!. Our long-time crew guy, Bob Mueller, will race with Dennette Miller, a friend Leslie and Doug met running the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon this year, and Jeff Minks, one of Doug’s coworkers and a former Purdue 800 meter track guy. Team MMM! has great native athletic ability and should be a very competitive team in their first adventure race.

On Saturday, August 24, TRG and Team MMM! ran a 7-plus hour simulation and had a great time. We also met some new friends, Jeff and John, who travelled with us in hopes of learning something for when they race in Planet Adventure 2003.

We will be posting more pictures from the Wild Onion soon. Stay tuned.

Photos Doug Theis on 30 Jun 2002

2002 Wild Onion Indy Photos

The 2002 Wild Onion Indy was a tough 24 hour urban adventure race. The course took us from downtown to Broad Ripple on foot, back downtown in the canoes, a 20 mile scooter loop, a paddle to Southwestway, and a bike to Eagle Creek, and Town Run. That was the first half.

One of my favorite races.

Race Reports Doug Theis on 28 Jun 2002

2002 Wild Onion Indy Race Recap

Team Ragged Glory experienced an incredibly fun, fast, and tough challenge in the first Indianapolis Wild Onion Urban Adventure Race on June 7 and 8, 2002. We thank God for safety throughout the race and for the reasons to keep moving. We thank our loved ones for their sacrifices that allow us to race. We thank Lantech and Prescient for their generous sponsorship.
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Training Doug Theis on 28 May 2002

Wild Onion Training Update

We are excited and look forward to racing in our own town at the Wild Onion Urban Adventure Race on June 7 and 8, 2002. We’ve been practicing skating and scootering along biking and paddling. If you see us during the Wild Onion, please cheer for Team Ragged Glory!

Photos Doug Theis on 01 May 2002

2002 Planet Adventure 24 Hour Challenge Photos

Planet Adventure 2002 was the first 24 hour race Team Ragged Glory finished. It was our second shot at a long race. Randy Stokes took some amazing photos on Lake Monroe.

I love the shot in the rowboat.

Race Reports Doug Theis on 28 Apr 2002

PA02 (Planet Adventure 2002) Race Summary

Because of the sacrifice and support of many people, Team Ragged Glory officially finished Planet Adventure 2002 in about 25 hours. We thank the Lord for His grace, our loved ones for their help and sacrifices of time, Bob for excellent crew support, and Greg and all the volunteers that transformed PA02 from a concept to reality.
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Training Doug Theis on 07 Apr 2002

Training Update

April 7, 2002 – We continue to prepare for Planet Adventure, now just two weeks away. Doug, Steve, Bob and Leslie spent a day in the Hoosier National Forest. We spent the time scouting, orienteering as a team in an IndyO meet, and mountain biking. Scouting helped us with some race planning. The O-meet was at the Story course and helped us with some specific nav skills and helped build our confidence. Thanks to the Indy Crossroads Orienteering Club for hosting the meet. The biking put some fire in our thighs and a nice mud stripe up each of our backs. We had big fun.

Feb 10, 2002 – TRG went on an all night hike at Morgan Monroe State Forest on Friday, February 8. Leslie, Steve, Doug and Bob hiked 21 miles in nine hours, then worked on the fixed orienteering course until dawn. The night was clear and it was great fun. Paddling, off-road biking, scootering and skating will be our areas of concentration in the next few weeks.

News Doug Theis on 28 Jan 2002

New Missions! Planet Adventure 2002 and Wild Onion Comes to Indy in 2002!

Team Ragged Glory has committed to two races in 2002. We will participate in the Planet Adventure 30 Hour Challenge ( in April. We are also entered in the Wild Onion Indy ( in June. We are expanding our team to have more training partners, contingency and race options. Send us an e-mail if you’re interested in playing.

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